Speakers and Chairs Bios

Platzhalter Speakers
Nicolas Colin

Co-founder and partner



Current Positions 39-year-old. Co-founder & Partner, TheFamily, an investment firm based in London and Paris with a European portfolio of fast-growing tech companies. Associate Professor in business strategy, Université Paris-Dauphine. Associate Professor in digital policy, Institut d'études politiques de Paris. Member of the board of directors, digital business unit, Groupe La Poste.

Published Works Formerly in charge, with Pierre Collin (conseiller d'Etat), of a report commissioned by the French Government about the tax system and the digital economy. As such, ranked in the top ten of the #GlobalTax50 in 2013. Author of books published in French, including, with Henri Verdier, L'Âge de la multitude (re-published by Armand Colin in 2015). Further reading in English: "The Next Safety Net", with Bruno Palier, Foreign Affairs (2015); TheFamily Papers series.

Degrees & Past Positions — Graduated from Telecom Bretagne with a major in computer science (2000). Graduated from the Institut d'études politiques (Sciences Po) with a major in public administration and a minor in American studies (2002). Graduated from the École nationale d'administration (ENA) before becoming an inspecteur des finances at the Inspection générale des finances (2006-2013).