Become a Member

Membership to Peter Drucker Society Europe is open to anyone who is connected to Peter F. Drucker and his ideas and who is willing to support our mission. We welcome members from all sectors, cultures and disciplines to engage in a dialogue on key management challenges of the 21st Century.


Supporting Membership programs are available for profit and non-profit sector/academic institutions as well as individuals.


A membership connects you to the world’s key management thinkers and practitioners, you will benefit from a significant discount when registering to the Drucker Forum, be invited to Launch events in your region, etc. Institutional members are granted a number of additional values.


For more information about our activities see:


If interested and want to receive our membership application form (including details on benefits and fees), please contact:


Drucker Society Members Secretariat
c/o Meet U There
Phone +32 2 771 43 00
Val des Seigneurs 4
1150 Brussels, Belgium