
EFMD is a strong advocate of the social and environmental imperatives that must accompany business practices globally. Our commitment is to offer professionals and institutions involved with management learning and organizational development the opportunity to be part of a dynamic, relevant and diverse network, sharing the common objective of developing effective and socially responsible leaders and managers. It was within this contextual basis that EFMD signed in 2003, a partnership agreement with the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) and launched the Global Responsibility Invitation which in turn led to the creation of the Globally Responsible Leadership Initiative (GRLI).


GRLI - Globally Responsible Leaders Initiative.

The GRLI (Globally Responsible Leadership Initiative) is a unique global community of action and learning, consisting of organisations (the Partners) that work individually, in pairs, in clusters and collectively. The GRLI’s focused mission is to promote, support and execute the development of a new generation of globally responsible leaders. GRLI, initiated by EFMD in 2003, has now important strategic partnerships with EFMD and AACSB International as well as the UNGC.


EFMD and the UN Global Compact.

Since 2006, EFMD has worked closely with the UNGC (UN Global Compact) as a founding member in the development and formulations of the Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME). Together with the UNGC and other highly respected partners, these Principles were presented to the United Nations Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon on 5 July 2007 at the Palais des Nations in Geneva, Switzerland.


EFMD and the European Academy for Business in Society (EABIS).,

The Business in Society Gateway is part of the strategic partnership between EFMD and the Academy of Business in Society (EABIS).  The Gateway is a comprehensive online resource centre featuring thought leadership and educational materials on issues related to business in society. The Gateway is built around 4 major pillars—Directory, Resources, Spotlight and Events. It provides a mapping of Corporate Responsibility (CR) research, education and training. It promotes awareness of CR knowledge material available, CR-related events and information & debates on current CR issues held at the European level and internationally.