
NOV 29, 2023


WORKSHOP 1: 14:00 – 17:00 CET

Reimagining Management For Creative Resilience

  Vienna Hilton Plaza, Schottenring 11, 1010 Vienna, Austria

This workshop addresses the central question posed by the Drucker Forum 2023— how to achieve creative resilience in the digital age.

The workshop shows how the mindset and processes of digital-age management enable firms to move more nimbly, operate more efficiently, innovate more quickly, attract more talent, and mobilize more resources, while operating more ethically and delivering on resilience, social, and environmental goals.

In this highly interactive workshop, participants will work together to understand how leading firms are already using multi-dimensional mindsets, processes and assumptions to achieve creative resilience. They will leave the workshop with a practical toolkit that they can use to implement equivalent changes and attain creative resilience in their own organization.


  • Steve Denning, Senior Contributor,
  • Miriam Schwarz, Senior Vice President, Enterprise Agility Center of Excellence and Chair of the SD Learning Consortium
  • Workshop facilitator: SD Learning Consortium

Fee: Accessible exclusively for participants of 15th Peter Drucker Forum

Target audience: Individuals, leaders and researchers interested in driving change and understanding the principles and mindsets for the digital age.

WORKSHOP 2: 15:00 – 17:00 CET

The Human Economy: Creating Resilience through human centric systems

  Steigenberger Hotel Herrenhof, Herrengasse 10, 1010 Vienna, Austria

In the face of current monumental shifts, the Human Economy emerges as a vital concept for fostering resilience in the coming decade. While the 20th century's management theory revolved around industrial foundations and incremental performance for economic growth, the road ahead demands a different approach. Challenges like the climate crisis, social contract instability, and declining democratic effectiveness pose significant threats, requiring our society to withstand immense pressure. Merely relying on technology or financial reserves in digital formats cannot address these issues. The Metaverse is incapable of solving the daily digital inequality perpetuated by our attention being captured by isolated information echo-chambers, often obscuring the truth. The way forward lies in the design of institutions, firms, and financial services that prioritize human-centric principles. An economy centered around humans transcends the pursuit of material goods, elevating the human spirit. This special session on the Human Economy aims to inspire new thinking, develop resilient roadmaps, and give rise to a collective narrative that humanizes progress.


  • Mark Esposito Professor, Hult Int’ Business School & Director Futures Impact Lab
  • Matt Gitsham Professor, Hult Int’l Business School & Director, Sustainability Lab


  • Johan Roos Chief Academic Officer & Professor, Hult Int’l Business School
  • Matt Sigelman President of the Burning Glass Institute, Chairman of Lightcast
  • Michele Zanini Co-founder, Management Lab
  • Deepa Prahalad Design strategist and Social Innovator
  • Mary Gentile Creator/Director of Giving Voice to Value (virtual)
  • Antonio-Nieto Rodriguez Visiting Professor at Duke CE, Instituto de Empresa, Solvay, Vlerick, Ecole de Ponts Former Global Chair of PMI, Founder of Brightline Initiative; Author (virtual)

Fee: Accessible exclusively for participants of 15th Peter Drucker Forum

WORKSHOP 3: 15.00 –17.00 UHR

Von der Kunst sich selbst und andere zu führen

(in Deutscher Sprache)

Jesuiten Wien, Dr. Ignaz-Seipel-Platz 1, Wien

Nehmen Sie sich Zeit der schöpferischen Kraft auf die Spur zu kommen, um sich und andere Menschen gut zu führen. Sich selbst und andere gut führen heisst unter anderem:

  • im Leibe leben und eine Beziehung zu sich selbst haben
  • in Kontakt sein zur Umwelt, zur Kultur, zu anderen Menschen in Solidarität
  • Wissen wie wir meditieren und beten können – falls wir das wollen
  •  Zeit haben, und das bedeutet im Hier und Jetzt leben, präsent sein
  • Humor haben oder versuchen ihn zu haben
  • Gegensätze aushalten und die daraus entstehende Spannung kreativ umzusetzen verstehen

Dieser Workshop verbindet Elemente einer weltoffenen Spiritualität mit Übungen. Den Prozess gestalten wir zusammen, Wünsche werden berücksichtigt.


  • Pater Niklaus Brantschen, Zenmeister und Jesuit

Dieser Workshop ist für Teilnehmer:innen des 15. Peter Drucker Forums kostenfrei buchbar.

Anzahl: 16 – 20 Personen