Thriving on Complexity: Co-Creation as the Future of Value Creation and Innovation
by Venkat Ramaswamy

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We are witnessing a fundamental structural shift in both the means and ends of value creation in society, which is manifesting itself as the increase in “complexity” of the environments we are all experiencing. “Complexity” by itself is not the issue – many have recognized that natural systems inherently have complexity built into how they work. The real issue lies in the “paradigm of value creation” that we have been practicing, which has served us well in the past, but has resulted in the complexity we are all trying to deal with as individuals — from goods and services that don’t quite enable and/or connect with our human experiences on the one hand, to the […]

Embracing Co-Creation to Manage Complexity and Revitalize Value Creation by Venkat Ramaswamy

Posted on 3 CommentsPosted in 5th Global Peter Drucker Forum

Propelled by advances in global communication and information technologies, there has been an explosion in interactions in the business-civic-social-natural system. These interactions are among both human and nonhuman entities (e.g., devices) in the system and entail the following five key characteristics of complexity: 1. An increase in the number of entities interacting in the system. 2. An increase in the diversity of entities in the system. 3. An increase in the interdependence of entities in the system, with each entity affecting and being affected by the actions of other entities in the system. 4. An increase in the unpredictability of actions and events in the system. 5. An increase in the variability of potential outcomes […]