Entrepreneur-Driven Innovation Ecosystems and the Circular Economy
by Mark Esposito

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One of the greatest advantages to being a startup is freedom from too many layers of management in order to test ideas and innovate. However, on the flipside, the lack of resources to scale a new opportunity can prevent a meaningful startup idea from taking root and creating more sustainability in the marketplace. This is a particular point of concern when it comes to the circular economy. The circular economy, broadly defined as a no-waste industrial chain that promotes economic growth using the least amount of non-renewable natural resources as possible, is increasingly regarded as a feasible and economic option for meeting the future demands of today’s society. It has been estimated by the Organization […]

Policymakers and Entrepreneurial Hubs: This is what can be done
by Mark Esposito, Terence Tse*

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Entrepreneurship is vital to growing markets. And across most of Europe, entrepreneurship is lacking because of poor macro economic conditions, which push investment away from the Old Continent or re-direct all the available capital into savings rather than FDI.  In 2013, the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor found that in Europe’s largest economies, only 6% of the working population set up or ran a new business.[1] By contrast, in BRIC countries and the U.S., 10%-17% engaged in this kind of early-state entrepreneurial activity. Europe’s paucity of substantial investment in innovation highlights the urgent need for European businesses and governments to work together to develop a new entrepreneurial innovation model to tackle financial deficits, create financial stability, and […]