Comments on: A Moment Of Truth by Isabella Mader Mon, 20 Aug 2018 09:56:34 +0000 hourly 1 By: Isabella Mader Sat, 12 Dec 2015 10:26:09 +0000 Hi everyone,
thanks so much for all the support for this article.

Thomas, re your question regarding my thoughts on alienated humans in network society: indeed, this is part of my next article speaking about the non-commitment in network society, where we realize that commitment is a mutual concept. If companies are laying off masses of employees to hire them back in as freelancers the answer of those individuals is non-commitment in return.
Hence we learn that commitment doesn’t arise from paying alone. Once we realize that we earn commitment only if we are willing to share it in taking over responsibility and committing ourselves too we will have arrived at a mature understanding of network society: everything is mutual (interestingly enough this seems to be valid for all fields of life).

Governments too will realize that $1 per hour like on Amazon Mechanical Turk and an exhausted population likely won’t make a country thrive and prosper once domestic demand will be driven close to extinction by a poverty stricken population (surprise!).

Network Economy will help everyone involved understand that prosperity comes from sharing – not just the resources but also the gains. I am curious to see whether society will decide to painfully repeat the stretched process of coming to randomly fair terms or whether we decide to learn from history that there’s no way out of establishing a more or less balanced system. So we could do this in a civilized and mature manner instead of falling back into repeating feudal struggles. Neither side can win such a battle. Balance is the only possible outcome. This we can achieve by blood and tears or by behaving in a way that is worthy of a society of the 21st century.

By: Navatha Fri, 11 Dec 2015 05:01:16 +0000 Good article with excellent idea! I appreciate your post.Regards Sarkari Result

By: Thomas Piruzgar Wed, 09 Dec 2015 17:13:11 +0000 Like Your article Isabella,

especially Your statement: “In fact itโ€™s less about humans against robots: the question is more about how humans treat humans.”
My perspective to this is: “It’s all a matter of consciousness.”
or more clearly: “Our consciousness matters!” And this is to be taken literally.
I’m really looking forward for Your Part 2 and 3 (on the private and the other on the public sector parts).
For now I am offering work for social workers and educators at more than fair conditions. Hence there are only few well-trained professionals with formal qualifications available on the market they realize their value: Sending their application and CV by e-mail, some even come live to the interview, some prefer Skype. They have a lot of demands which we are willing to fullfill, the binding nature of their commitments seems to lack of liabiliy though. Three out of four cancel the first on-site appointment about one and a half hours before via SMS: “Sorry, just got another offer with even better conditions.” (All “little Amazons” around?)
So maybe it’s not “about humans against robots”, but – still – more about alienation of humans and a loss of feeling for themselves in the community? Alienated humans just acting and to be used like robots? Should there be part of us, having already internalized this mindset not needing any more chip implants?
Not really ๐Ÿ™‚ So I’d suggest, it seems to be a multilevel process we’d be better off meditating on once in a while, then step out in the garden, find and hug each other and share good moments in real life ๐Ÿ™‚
Tell me Your thoughts.

By: Karin.weiskopf Tue, 24 Nov 2015 23:12:59 +0000 Cool! I concur!

By: Tue, 24 Nov 2015 23:09:44 +0000 Yes!

By: Maria MADER Mon, 23 Nov 2015 14:11:11 +0000 Wie wahr, wie wahr.
Super Isa.

By: Pedro Luis Chas Alonso Mon, 23 Nov 2015 09:47:40 +0000 Corporate dictatorship is in fact no better than a traditional dictatorship. In fact, most likely it is worst.
I think that the corporate elite has already become completely crazy, totally separated in their lives and their feelings from the 99,999% of the population. Probably, in their minds, they even feel like a separate (and superior of course) specie.
Most likely the disruption that we really need is one to be applied (merciless) to the corporate elite. Perhaps we need to remember that “common good” are two words to be taken really seriously, not like a joke and that any corporation (or any other institution or organization) that does not contribute to the common good is not useful and must disappear.

By: Fernanda Peset Mon, 23 Nov 2015 09:30:54 +0000 As a professor at the Polythecnic University of Valencia (Spain) we are preparing new professionals in the management of information and knowledge. Right now, emerging areas of training (open data, research data or semantic web) agree with the analysis that Dr. Mader states in this post. Now they are no longer frequent stable jobs in a single company. Her analysis (above or below the algorithm) allows us to differentiate the work of the executives (above) from those who will be technical (below) in this new society. Our master degree wants to prepare these new managers, able to handle knowledge and design strategies with the executive level in a globalized and based platforms environment. Master degree on Information management-
