Management for Inclusive Prosperity: How Do You Know?
by Lukas Michel

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In their inaugural article, Richard Straub and Julia Kirby concluded that managers must ‘make the most of human potential, and manage to make prosperity inclusive’. This sounds like what good management is all about. David Hurst’s article, then positioned management as a means to cultivate prosperity. He ends by quoting Clay Christensen ‘Management is the most noble of professions if practiced well’ suggesting management as an occupation that helps others learn, grow, take responsibility and contribute to team success. This is more about good management. And the scientific evidence is overwhelming: good management matters! But how do we know? As a manager, I would be interested in finding my own response or at least have […]

Bringing Humans Back to Work: Is Democracy the Answer?
by Lukas Michel

Posted on 2 CommentsPosted in 7th Global Peter Drucker Forum

Today, most businesses have found themselves operating in turbulent times; there is no such thing as ‘business as usual’ anymore. Over the past years, evidence has emerged of a new way to operate businesses. My research unveiled people-centric management and a high ability to act as the new way to better navigate in this ever-changing environment. Given this context, are democratic structures a viable response to the required dynamic capabilities when volatility, complexity and uncertainty rise?   During the past 25 years, the speed of change has accelerated and employee engagement has dropped. For most businesses, the managerial context has fundamentally changed from the way we have become accustomed to doing business. Moreover, fresh technologies, […]

It’s the Operating System, stupid! – A quest for a European Humanistic Management Movement
by Hans Stoisser (with contributions from Lukas Michel)

Posted on 4 CommentsPosted in 7th Global Peter Drucker Forum

“Enough! Enough of the imbalances that is destroying our democracies, our planet, and ourselves,” writes the Canadian management thinker Henry Mintzberg.“ A society out of balance, with power concentrated in a privileged elite, can be ripe for revolution.” – How can that be?   In the West it has been our enduring crisis: an overleveraged financial economy, huge debts and imbalances, increasing inequalities, and resistant high unemployment rates. At the same time we see stock markets at all-time highs and CEOs earning obscene  amounts of money. This is what Henry Mintzberg is referring to and what is threatening to undermine our basic institutions like democracy, market economy, rule of law, and civil society.   A […]

People-centric Neural Networks: The Key to Managing Organizational Complexity
by Lukas Michel and Herb Nold

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Or Be Like the Borg Collective and eliminate viruses   Organizations around the globe in all sectors continue a trend of increasing size and complexity that began over 100 years ago with the business strategies of the likes of Carnegie and Rockefeller. New and emerging technologies for communication and data sharing have accelerated this process in recent decades. We view this process as a natural and inevitable occurrence due, if for no other reason, to simple economics. Expenses will rise through time in many ways that management cannot prevent no matter how much they try. Those pesky employees always seem to want and expect raises, healthcare expenses increase, rents go up every year according to […]